Sunday, February 22, 2009

We Have a Budget

So the legislature finally got around to approving a budget. As it stands, the 3% cut to Regional Center services has been approved, so that is very likely going to happen. It will mean a 3% reduction in the payment RC's give us across the board. That is the bad news. The good news is that further reductions in Regional Center budgets that were proposed did not occur. Regional Centers will apparently also have to absorb about 100 million dollars in cuts in July, but this is much less than the proposed 300 million dollars. There is no way at this point to know how if at all this may affect our services. The 3% cut will call for some belt-tightening, but overall will not have a significant impact on our ability to provide services.
Also on the positive side, the president's stimulus package seems to liberate some money for special education programs within school districts, so this might help us to provide more services for children through our relationships with the over 30 school districts we contract with in California.

Some supervisors taking UNT coursework have needed the out of print chapter from B.F. Skinner's About Behaviorism called "The Question of Control." It is posted on the secret supervisors' section of our website in the "information" section in pdf format for those of you who need it or for any supervisor who might want to read it.

Happy birthday to Osong Kim and Gloria Medina.


  1. I'm not a supervisor, so I don't know where the "secret" section is :P but I too would like to be able to take a look at the Skinner pdf file...if possible? and any other articles out there that might come in handy in our field. =)

  2. Thanks Devi. Ask your supervisor for it, and I'm sure he or she will get it to you.

  3. Hi Dr. Ira,

    I hope you are doing well.

    I was just looking for this Skinner article on google and it linked me to your blog!

    I enjoyed catching up on all your entries.

    Have a nice weekend,

